Can You Help?

Thermometer 26th April 2021.jpg

Funds Raised 26th April 2021

Thank you for your generous donations which ensured we were represented by a barrister and traffic consultant for three key dates of the public examination.


We are a small team of local residents looking for help

What’s at stake?

If we fail to convince the Inspector that these sites are unsustainable the 800 additional houses proposed for East Grinstead, Felbridge and Crawley Down WILL go ahead, resulting in …

  • A permanent loss of the wide open spaces at Imberhorne Farm

  • A busy road junction at the bottom of Heathcote Drive

  • A substantial increase in ‘rat running’ along Heathcote Drive, Park Road and Gardenwood Road

  • An increased pressure on local services … school places, doctor’s surgeries etc.

  • Gridlock at the A22 junctions with Copthorne Road, Imberhorne Lane and Lingfield Road

  • Longer queues to join the A264 from the Crawley Down Road

  • Worsening congestion outside the Felbridge primary school

While these things will affect most of us going about our daily lives, others will be more directly affected. Those closer to the proposed sites will face years of uncertainty, noise and disturbance. Closer still, homes will become more difficult to sell and suffer significant reductions in value.


Any contribution towards the cost of legal and expert advice and representation at the examination would be very much appreciated.

Donations are processed securely by PayPal. You don’t need a PayPal account to donate and you will not be charged to use this service.

If you would prefer to make a donation directly to the Infrastructure First bank account please contact us using the box below for details.



If you can help with preparing evidence, signing-up more supporters or fund raising, we would like to hear from you.


Contact us.

2 Leybourne Place
RH19 2PW