Useful Documents

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Planning Documents

East Grinstead Neighbourhood Plan

The East Grinstead Neighbourhood Plan was developed in consultation with the local community, ratified by referendum on 20th October 2015 and made part of the Mid Sussex District Council Local Development Framework on 2nd November 2016. The plan is intended to ensure the community has a say in planning decisions and is part of the legal planning process. The policies are clearly defined and highly significant when challenging planning proposals.

Mid Sussex Principles of Community Participation

The council’s own code of practice to ensure community engagement in the planning process


Regulation 19 Consultation - August 2020

Mid Sussex Site Allocations Development Plan Documents - Regulation 19 Consultation

A link to all the consultation documents, community involvement plan, statement of representations procedure and further information - everything submitted by Mid Sussex and the developers should be here!


Considerations for the EGTC Response to the Regulation 19 Consultation for the Draft Site Allocations DPD

A number of detailed planning points raised by Infrastructure First and submitted for consideration by EGTC in their response to the Mid Sussex Draft Site Allocations DPD at their meeting 14th September 2020


Tandridge District Council Regulation 19 Response - September 2020

East Grinstead Town Council Regulation 19 Response - September 2020

Felbridge Parish Council Regulation 19 Response - September 2020

Pro forma Standard Response Letter to Mid Sussex Regulation 19 Site Allocation Consultation

Fully editable Word document setting out the arguments we believe show the proposed sites at Imberhorne Farm and Felbridge are NOT sustainable. YOU MUST add your name, address and email in the boxes on the first page otherwise your response may not be counted. You are welcome to add additional points to the standard response. If you were aware of the earlier Regulation 18 Consultation in time to response (October 2019) please delete the sentence at the top of page 2. If you don’t want to be represented by the Infrastructure First group at the public examination please delete this sentence too.

PLEASE NOTE - This file will be downloaded to your computer and may be opened from your downloads folder.

Email your completed response to by 28th September 2020


Regulation 18 Consultation - November 2019

Site Selection Criteria
SA18 - Land at the Police Station East Grinstead ID 847
SA19 - Land off the Crawley Down Road Felbridge ID 196
SA20 - Land at Imberhorne Farm ID 770
SA22 - Land at Crawley Down ID 519

Infrastructure First Response to Regulation 18 Consultation - November 2019

Felbridge Parish Council’s Response to the Initial Site Allocation Consultation
November 2019
SA20 - Land at Imberhorne Farm

Felbridge Parish Council object to the inclusion of SA20 for the following reasons;
1) Is inappropriate as it is upon land outside of the East Grinstead built up area that is designated as an ‘area of development restraint’,
2) That this site will ultimately coalesce East Grinstead with either Felbridge or Crawley Down due to the absence of clarity regarding the bounds of the SANG provision. 

3) Would add additional traffic into a local road network which is already severely congested.

Felbridge Parish Council’s Response to the Initial Site Allocation Consultation
November 2019
SA19 - Land off the Crawley Down Road

Felbridge Paris Council Object to the inclusion of SA19 for the following reasons;
1) Has no suitable access.
2) Has a proposed housing density inappropriate to the locality.
3) Is inappropriate as it is upon land outside of the East Grinstead built up area that is designated as an ‘area of development restraint’.
4) Is attaching to the village of Felbridge which has inadequate services to deem it a sustainable location,
5) Would add additional traffic into a local road network which is already severely congested and has significant limitations that prevent highway mitigation.

East Grinstead Town Council’s Response to the Initial Site Allocation Consultation
November 2019
SA18, SA19, SA20 and SA22

All Responses to the Initial Site Allocation Consultation October and November 2019

This is a large document covering all of the responses received for all of the sites considered in the initial consultation process. It is a useful reference document to identify some of the key issues.